Quality and Certifications
Sotras filters undergo stringent quality control and are frequently tested in order to ensure satisfactory operation in the application of which they are designed. Evidence of the high quality of our products lies in the fact that Sotras manufactures original equipment for some of the most important compressor manufacturers, to some of which Sotras guarantees product exclusivity. For years now, checks on all incoming products and 100% of the outgoing finished products are ruled by a Control Plan deriving from ISO TS 16949 for the automotive sector. This document, which is constantly updated, indicates the control and related procedures of every step of the process and every characteristic of the product, including the project validation stages both of the actual process and of the products.
Our target has been to achieve the improvement of our product performance as well as efficiency and reliable repeat production.
A special device has been designed that allows us to test the collapse or explosion resistance limits of our products under extreme working conditions at variable flow rates and at limit pressures.
In addition, laboratory devices have been used for the preventive analysis of production batches through simple but effective non destructive tests, such as the smoke test in order to detect product as well as process defects.
Based on ISO8573-2, using Johnson and Balston tests we regularly check the residual aerosol oil content (ppm) in order to guarantee this filtering performance on our products.